Shareholder Meeting – 25th November 2016
Allan Burmeister show the bord the fields in Videle
Rape – 24th October
Wheat – 24th October
Repairing the Bredal spreeder
October 12, 2016
Rapeseed – seeded 4/9
Wheat Avenue 100 kg/HA – seeded 15/9
The start of wheat Avenue 130 kg/HA – seeded 29/9
Mizil / Amaru
The seeded rapeseed and wheat were given basic fertiliser before and after seeding !
The seedbed is mad with Tiger and Joker, only Tiger has Autopilot, so he takes every other bed,
after which Joker has something to follow. A good suggestion from the pilot !
Apache Wheat, 100 kg/HA
Rapeseed was slightly hindered by water – 115 right after seeding and now 30 mm
Maize harvest
Wheat seeding after sunflowers
Wheat was seeded mid-September with 100 kg of seed/HA
September 28, 2016 – Mizil
Loader the last seed to Oravita
The last load of the conventional sunflower is on the way home
A sample of the upcoming seed, 8 varieties will be tested this year
September 26, 2016 – Videle
Wheat sown 09/15 is well underway. Very dry to sow, but 104 mm of rain helps now
Nice rape, sown 5. September
September 12, 2016 – Oravita
Harvest – Sunflowers
New rape sprouts
Rape sowing
August 30, 2016, Videle
A new years cultivation started – rape sowing in Videle
August 29, 2016, Mizil
Soil preparation before sowing rape in Mizil
Sowing rape in Mizil
July 4, 2016, Videle
A nice morning in Videle – the harvest is exotic !
June 30, 2016, Mizil
Soil preparation prior to the rape
June 28, 2016, Oravita
Wheat, harvest start 26/6
A good wheat variety with high yields and good quality
Winther barley – harvest start 22/6
June 17, 2016, Oravita
Sunflowers 1,85 m above the ground and 0,5 m rooting under
Corn 1,7 above the ground and 0,5> rooting under
April 29, 2016, ORAVITA
Wheat, rapeseed & sunflower.
At all three sites spring seeding are completed on time, and seeding are completed mid April.
Now only remaining seeding of total 300 HA greening cultures in Videle and Mizil.
April 2016
13. april: Wheat in Mizil, seeded October 10th 2015
13. april: Rapeseed in Mizil, field at 148 HA
13th April: Wheat and rapeseed in Videle, and germinating corn, seeded April 7th
Spring has come to Romania which means, that our well established winter crops really starts to grow,
just as we have started field work with preparation and sowing.
The winter went really well, without frost damage of crops.
The work performed in 2015 seems to have had a very good effect, as there are virtually no problems
with water on fields anywhere and, as documented below, are winter crops really well at the moment.
Rape in Oravita 6th April 2016
Rape in Videle 6th April 2016
Corn såving started in Videle 4th April 2016
Spring harvest started in Mizil 4th April
Wheat and rape in Mizil 1th April 2016
Wheat in Videle end March 2016
March 2016
Rape seed and wheat in Mizil 21th March
Below picturesof the crops from ultimo February, and a picture of one of some of the ditches which is a part of our
improvement program, which includes these surface drainage ditches, as well as the execution of subsoiling with GP Subsoiler.
Winter Barley
Wheat Litera
Wheat Apache after corn
Wheat – latest seeded field
Wheat in Gradinari/Oraviata area
Rape seed
Drainage ditch in Oravita
Newly etablished drainage ditches in Mizil in function